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Friday, September 28, 2018

Ask What Not...

There was a time when a president was quoted saying:
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Here we are about over 50 years later and given the climate, I feel as if American's have done a 180. I feel like people live with the motto:
My fellow Americans, ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.
When things like not letting the flag touch the ground, or showing respect during the national anthem go viral on social media you have to ask yourself: Why? Why do things that should be common sense patriotism, should be everyday things, appear to be extraordinary?

I'm bewildered on where we have gone and where we are heading. Showing respect for the flag shouldn't be making headline news. Showing respect for the national anthem shouldn't be making headline news.  Really?

When you think about it and think that over 50 years ago a liberal president famous quote is something that would be considered a conservative point of view says a lot.

Today, people disrespect the flag and are blown away when children show respect. Today, we have people that belong to what is considered to the people's party, the party of tolerance, yell at a husband and wife while they try to enjoy a dinner at a restaurant, to the point that the couple has to leave. Today, we have women of the people's party, the party of tolerance, hailed as heroes for yelling at a man in the elevator to the point that man delay votes.

How is it that the party that is actually the most intolerant able to hold on to the label of being tolerant? How is it that the opposite party is labeled as intolerant, racist, sexist? How does that work? What is the deal with that? Why is it acceptable to yell at a couple to the point they have to leave a public place? Why are they getting away with this obscene behavior over and over and over again?

I think it's because the motto is really "what can my country do for me".  It's all about me and what I want. There is no regard for anyone else.  It's what I want when I want, and how I want. As long as I get what I want that's fine!

I don't want you to be here, so I'm going to bully you to the point that you leave. I want this establishment to serve these other people, so I'm going to bully them and demand they do that and use the law in my favor; never mind that that same law should have allowed the couple you bully and screamed at, to the point they had to leave, to stay in the establishment they were trying to eat dinner at.

Why can't people see the hypocrisy? I think they can't see it because again it's about what they want and how they want it. When will we embrace the motto of a president again?
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

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picture credit: Thomas Hawk

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