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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Educated Mothers

Educated Mothers
Please present me the lady who decided, being prefectly educated, to have seven, eight, nine children - President Emmanuel Macron, President of France.
I realize that I might be late to the game on commenting on this, but it is something that just came across my social media feeds today. I might only have two children, but I'm friends with many well-educated women, who have seven, eight, nine or more children and they have been posting and commenting on this.

Seeing I hadn't seen or heard anything about this before my friends started to share pictures with the #postcardsforMacron I decided to look into this. What did the President of France say, why did he say it, where did he say it?

Turns out this was a part of a quote said at the Gate's Foundation Goalkeeper's Summit. The Goalkeeper's summit is something the Gate's Foundation started to help combat poverty, inequality, and disease.  The Gate's Foundation helps funds technology and research into mass sterilization to help combat what they feel is the world population problems (ie. overpopulation). Sterilization I'm sure is one of the means to help prevent poverty. So it's any surprise that world leaders who participate in such events, put on by the Gate's Foundation, would have such negative views about large families? Or women, who are educated, having many children?

It really shouldn't be, but it is! I don't think people realize how far the rabbit hole of the culture of death we, as a nation, as a world has gone.  It's all part and particle to the culture of death.

I'm glad that my friends with large families have stood up and spoken out and have shared their pictures of their large families and their level of education to show that educated women do in fact willing and of their own free will do choose to have many children.

Those that respect life from conception to natural death has a long hard mountain to climb when fighting the culture of death. It's not just about fighting abortion, but it's about fighting population control, sterilization (willingly and forced), and erroneous perception that the world is overpopulated or that having more than 2.3 children is bad and undesirable.

Think about it: There was a time when China's family policies were criticized by the world, but more and more it's something that is actually idiolized and preferred by more and more of the world leaders. The primary difference is that in the countries outside of China you don't have the government directly stepping in and making sure family policies are being enforced. Instead, you have leaders making comments suggesting that having large families are bad. You have people preaching about overpopulation. You have companies and foundations looking into mass sterilization. You have comments such as the president of France suggestion that educated, smart, women wouldn't have many children.

I, myself, might only have two children, but I fully support life from conception to natural death. I fully support those that choose to have large families. I wished more would stop drinking the kool-aid that culture of death hands out and will wake up to what's going on.

To President Macron: You are wrong! Many educated women do in fact choose to have seven, eight, nine children.

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