I have tried things in the past but got nowhere. I even worked with a personal trainer for months. That time with the trainer was the most trying and upsetting. Here I was working with and spending money on a personal trainer and I got nowhere. The scale never changed. The inches never came off. -- It was literally nowhere. I quit the trainer and knew I should talk with my doctor but it would be years until I decided to talk with the doctor.
In May I finally, with my husband's promoting, decided it was time to talk with the doctor. It was me always being tired, waking up in the morning feeling like I never slept. It was me crying to my husband how I'm tired of feeling tired. It was me being extremely restless that caused my husband to start having insomnia. It was his insomnia and my tiredness that lead me to talk to the doctor. At that time, I also decided I will also mention to my doctor my issues with weight loss.
The doctor referred me to two specialists. One for sleeping and the other for weight loss. The sleep doctor decided that I should have a sleep study done and see if I have sleep apnea. It turned out I do indeed have sleep apnea. Symptoms of sleep apnea include things like sleepiness, fatigue, tired, weak muscles, memory issues, depression. -- part of the obesity is due to not having energy and being tired all the time. The sleep doctor also told me having sleep apnea can make losing weight difficult. He has known patients that had lost 10 lbs just because they started to use cpap machine. No other changes just the use of the cpap.
The weight doctor was next. She ran blood work. diabetes. nope, but I do have high insulin. This means I have to be on a low carb and no added sugar diet. The blood work also showed that I have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are things like weakness, tiredness, weak muscles, and depression. The blood work also showed that I had vitamin D deficiency as well. Symptoms of this also include things like weakness, muscle fatigue.
I had at least 3 conditions that have similar symptoms. It is one vicious circle. I'm I tired because of the sleep apnea or because of the vitamin B or D deficiencies? When you have no energy you don't want to for that walk or work out -- or if you do the workout you tired and your butt is kicked much sooner than it should be. That is one thing my trainer when I had her, would say. I don't know why it's kicking your butt today -- you had done much more before. Meaning I had good days and bad days, but on what we thought was those "bad days" I would be tired real easy.
So here we are 3 almost 4 months later -- I have my cpap. I have been taking my vitamins and trying to maintain the diet the doctor wanted me to do. Diet is not going well, I have good days and bad days. -- It's hard to maintain a diet change, but I'm trying.
Despite the failures I have had I have actually lost some weight and maintain that weight loss. I'm thrilled that we are here at the 3-month mark and I have lost 27 lbs and have maintained that loss. It's a slow loss, but a loss nonetheless.